Canadian Sikh Heritage | Elementor #19075
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Virtual tour of the National Historic Site 2022, Gur Sikh Temple

Join us on a virtual tour of the National Historic Site, Gur Sikh Temple, and Sikh Heritage Museum. View the exterior sites of significance and view the current exhibit. You can navigate the walk through as though you are standing on site. If you have access to a virtual reality set, you can experience the site in real time! As you navigate through the site and museum elements, make sure to keep an eye out for additional links, detailed panels, and media links to learn more.


This virtual tour of the Sikh Heritage Museum and National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple in Abbotsford, BC, has been supported by funding from Heritage BC. We are grateful to Heritage BC, and the HLF Heritage Awareness Grant, which now allows global access to the Sikh Heritage Museum.

Please click the play button below to initiate the virtual tour